On July 1, we observed the inaugural Flush Smart Day thanks to a resolution granted to RFA President Lara Wyss by Assemblymember Richard Bloom, the California statesman who largely brought the Wet Wipes Labelling Law into being.
We were so excited to kick off Flush Smart Day with our social media followers and friends. A special thank you to the many RFA members and partners who tweeted out their support of all things #FlushSmart, #FlushSmartDay, and the “Do Not Flush” symbol.
Not only that, but our president was also featured on KCRA News to share the differences between flushable and non-flushable products and why searching for the symbol on packaging is so important. You can view that clip HERE.
Flush Smart Day was a huge success! As we plan for next year, we hope you will observe safe flushing habits every day. Not sure where to get started? We’ve got the answers:
What is Flush Smart Day?
Flush Smart Day is a nationwide observance established in California in 2022 to promote safe flushing habits in the home. California Assemblymember Richard Bloom presented a proclamation to recognize every July 1st as an opportunity to educate the public on what not to flush. RFA provided educational materials for its members and partnering organizations to encourage them to join in Flush Smart Day observance. Check out our flyer here! The campaign focuses on how to identify the “Do Not Flush” symbol on wipes packaging as well as what should and should not be flushed.
When is the next Flush Smart Day?
Flush Smart Day will always be observed annually on July 1 in California and beyond! But really, practicing smart flushing practices is a year-round endeavor!
How do I participate in Flush Smart Day?
Flush Smart Day is all about spreading awareness of the “Do Not Flush” symbol and safe flushing habits. For that reason, you don’t have to wait until July 1 to participate in the spirit of Flush Smart Day! RFA has numerous resources that you can use to educate yourself and your family. Share what you learned on social media with the hashtag #FlushSmart. By next year’s Flush Smart Day, you’ll be a fully informed advocate to raise your voice with us about smart flushing habits to protect homes and communities everywhere.
How else can I get involved?
The effort to educate consumers about #FlushSmart habits and the “Do Not Flush” symbol doesn’t end with Flush Smart Day. If you are part of a company or organization that may be able to help us spread the word to more audiences, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us at [email protected] to learn more about the opportunities to join RFA. You can also give us a follow on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube!
The Responsible Flushing Alliance is leading the way with its #FlushSmart consumer education campaign. RFA is dedicated to keeping homes and communities healthy through proper flushing practices. This includes supporting clear and prominent labeling of all items that should not be flushed, including promotion of the “Do Not Flush” symbol on non-flushable wipes.
For more information, go to http://www.flushsmart.org or @flushsmart on Twitter or Facebook.
About Responsible Flushing Alliance
The Responsible Flushing Alliance (RFA) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization dedicated to consumer education focused on what not to flush. RFA’s goal is to change consumer behavior to help reduce damage to our nation’s sewage systems caused by objects and materials not designed to be flushed.